A n n a l s o f S u r g e r y

Article Processing Charges

Article Processing Charges

As an Open Access title, publishing an article in this journal requires an Article Processing Charge (APC) that will be billed to the submitting author following acceptance. Apart from this Article Processing Charge, there are no other fees (for example submission charges, page charges, or color charges). For more details, you can read the FAQ.

The Article Processing Charge for the journal is () . If the author wishes to billed in other currency then a conversion charge will be applicable as per the recent exchange rate.

What are APCs?

Refund policy

Once an article has been accepted for publication, an Article Processing Charge is due. The submitting author assumes responsibility for the Article Processing Charge, and Annals of Surgery will not issue refunds of any kind.


Annals of Surgery operates a transparent waiver policy to help support researchers who are unable to meet some or all of the costs associated with publishing open access.

View Annals of Surgery’s waiver policy

Commonly asked questions

  • When should I pay?

    Corresponding author or the paying institutions should arrange for the payment once they are notified regarding acceptance of the article. APC is exempted for cases in which a wavier agreement has been made in-prior to submission.

    *We request an immediate attention towards the payment as the articles will not be published unless the charges have been paid.

  • How do I pay?

    Authors or institutions can make payments by two modes as per their convenience.

    1. Online payment using credit card (Default)
    2. Bank transfer to the details mentioned in the invoice

    Please note that additional transaction gateway charges may be levied on the payee.

  • Do I have to pay if my manuscript is rejected?

    No, article processing charges will not be applicable for articles rejected by the editorial office.