A n n a l s o f S u r g e r y

Annals of Surgery

3 Weeks

Review Time

1 Week

Publish Time

350k Monthly


About Journal ANNSURG

Annals of Surgery

Annals of Surgery is committed to the advancement of surgical research, education, and clinical practise on a global scale. Its goal is to promote continued advancements in surgery by sharing knowledge, ideas, and best practises across all surgical specialties. The IJS provides readers with critically peer-reviewed, carefully selected/edited, and up-to-date publications on relevant advances in surgery.

The journal aims to develop and uphold the highest research standards, to provide a scope for evidence-based treatments through the publication of quick review papers and special issues, and to contextualise the findings through the publication of editorials, commentaries, and letters from the surgical community. We enforce reporting guidelines and require that all research involving human participants be registered in a public access research database.

Following the open access principle, the entire contents can be retrieved at no charge, guaranteeing easy access to this valuable source of information at all times.

Scope of Journal

The IJS aims to encourage the exchange of important ideas and lines of intellect among and across surgical specialties as a broad scope publication covering all surgical specialties. As a result, the journal will aid in preventing the trend of increasing sub-specialisation from directing to 'tunnel-vision' and the sequestration of important surgical breakthroughs within specific specialties.

  • Submit Manuscript

    For submission authors can directly submit manuscript to submission@annalsofsurgery.org. If you want to proceed with online submission you can follow the below link. You will need to be a register user to submit your manuscript.

  • General Information

    Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.

    1. • 14 days review process with international peer-review standards
    2. • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
    3. • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance

  • Open Access

    All the work at Annals of Surgery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Authors at Annals of Surgery retain copyright to their work and allow others to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt their work, provided proper attribution is given.

    We follow Creative Commons 'Attribution' licence (CC BY). This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. View License Deed | View Legal Code

  • Indexing and Abstract

    All articles are made open access to maximise the long-term visibility, impact and influence of our content.

    1. • AcademicPub
    2. • The British Library
    3. • Cancerlit
    4. • EMBASE
    5. • Google Scholar
    6. • Medline/PubMed
    7. • ProQuest
    8. • Science Citation Index Expanded
    9. • Scopus
    10. • Scisearch
    11. • Web of Science
    12. • Emerging Sources Science Citation Index

Peer Review

Highest quality of international peer review standard

Initial Submission

Select the right journal and submit your manuscript.

Submit Manuscript+
Day 1
Day 3

Manuscript Number

Our editors will communicate and send you the manuscript number. We officially begin processing your manuscript.

First Decision

Based on the outcome of the peer-review you would receive review comments from the international experts on your subject.

Day 14

APC Invoicing

We will share the invoice that can be paid online using credit card or bank transfer. We also have option to convert the invoice in the desired currency.

Day 15
Day 16

Proofing & Correction

Once you are aware of the review comments then you can make minor changes based on the inputs and any corrections that should be done before we move ahead.

Indexing & Archiving

If your research is not easy to find, it cannot help advance science or scientific society. Post-publication of your research, indexing is the most important things we do at Annals of Surgery. We aim to make all articles published with Annals of Surgery easy to find by the widest audience and also work with search engines, social media platforms and scholarly communication networks.